How do I pay fees?
When logged in to the parent PowerSchool account you will be able to access the fees (this doesn't work using the app)
After you log in, choose "Balance" from the tabs on the left-hand side
You will then see the fees once they are assessed--this will happen after the drop/add date for courses
You may make partial payments or request financial assistance
The link to the payment portal is a button in the top right hand corner that says: eFunds for schools
You will need your child's PowerSchoool student number--this is printed on their schedule or is available in their PowerSchool account
Course Fees
What fees are assessed to students?
Course fees are specific to each student's schedule and include consumable materials such as workbooks, novels, lab fees, art supplies, and costs associated with the Advanced Placement program when taking an AP class. These supplemental materials enable us to offer the more rigorous Franklin curriculum, which is over and beyond the minimum public education the state of Louisiana requires.
Class fees are costs associated with items that are purchased for the entire student body and/or specific to a particular grade level.
We have a Calculator Policy--all new students will receive a new TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator. Please contact our Math Department Chair, Jay Weisman ( with any related questions.
See the full Course & Class Fee detail listing here
How do I see my course & class fees?
The easiest way to see the Course & Class Fees is through the parent PowerSchool account. Fees will be assessed after the drop/add date. This year, fees will be assessed in October.
How do I pay fees?
When logged in to the parent PowerSchool account you will be able to access the fees (this doesn't work using the app)
After you log in, choose "Balance" from the tabs on the left-hand side
You will then see the fees once they are assessed--this will happen after the drop/add date for courses
You may make partial payments or request financial assistance
The link to the payment portal is a button in the top right hand corner that says: eFunds for schools
You will need your child's PowerSchoool student number--this is printed on their schedule or is available in their PowerSchool account